How to Decrypt Cisco Type 7 Passwords

Just a big thanks to Richard Strnad’s Python script to decrypt the Cisco Type 7 Password

Richard’s original link:

Richard’s Github page:

Richard’s actual Python Script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

# This is the well known used salt for the cisco type 7 encryption
salt = 'dsfd;kfoA,.iyewrkldJKDHSUBsgvca69834ncxv9873254k;fg87'
def decrypt_type7(pw):
    # The first 2 digits represent the salt index salt[index]
    index = int(pw[:2])
    # The rest of the string is the encrypted password
    enc_pw = pw[2:].rstrip()
    # Split the pw string into the hex chars, each cleartext char is two hex chars
    hex_pw = [enc_pw[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(enc_pw), 2)]
    # Create the cleartext list
    cleartext = []
    # Iterate over the hex list
    for i in range(0, len(hex_pw)):
        The current salt index equals the starting index + current itteration
        floored by % 53. This is to make sure that the salt index start at 0
        again after it reached 53.
        cur_index = (i+index) % 53
        # Get the current salt
        cur_salt = ord(salt[cur_index])
        # Get the current hex char as int
        cur_hex_int = int(hex_pw[i], 16)
        # XOR the 2 values (this is the decryption itself, XOR of the salt + encrypted char)
        cleartext_char = cur_salt ^ cur_hex_int
        # Get the char for the XOR'ed INT and append it to the cleartext List
    return ''.join(cleartext)

# This script can be called directly or imported from another script
if __name__ == '__main__':
    pw = sys.argv[1]

How to Use in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Copy the above and save it to a file “”, then run it with the encrypted password. In my example below, “” is the actual password.

python3 020F074F0D03032D4D000A1608

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